Est. 2008

Est. 2008


When You’re Gone

Patty boards the train in Calgary on her way back home to Vancouver and takes a seat near the window. Other passengers heft their...

The Other Internet

On the Other Internet there’s no “www.” There’s no such thing as URL’s or menu bars or web searches or any of that. You...


It was 1960 and we hitchhiked through the middle of the United States. We slept wherever we could, on floors mostly, in the backs...

The Man With the Divided Back

excerpted from the forthcoming novel The Man With the Divided Back There are only three cities in North America which can claim to be the...

Alice and Alex

She remembers them, Alice and Alex, not as they were, nor as they would have liked to be, nor even as they would have...

The Mariposa

Luis shared an apartment with his brother Hector and three other men, all of whom happened to be named Juan. Everywhere he turned there...

Ricky’s Shoulders: an excerpt

in the room there below Ricky, Ricky saw his mother’s newer size, Ricky’s mother’s body had quadrupled in the weird light off the wall,...

Runaway: an excerpt

An Incomplete Kingdom of Monsters Phylum: Monsters That Cannot Be Seen Class: Invisible Monsters Order: Fully and Constantly Invisible Fully and constantly invisible monsters are the...

Golfer’s Bog

A natural bog is the designated water trap of the thirteenth hole at British Hills Country Club in Wheeling. It’s a deep, mysterious body...

Alcazar’s House

An extract from a novel-in-progress As Alcazar sat stock-still on the gritty staircase, he thought of all the circumstances that had made him a minor...