Volume I: 2008-2011

Brighton, Where Are You? by Matthew Radar 

Either/Or by Allison Carter 

For W.W. by Sean Dixon

New Norwegian (Parts 1 & 2) by Harold Abramowitz

Trilobite and Isle of Wight by Ed Park

Walking Bird by Lydia millet

À la carte by Julia Gurson Wood 

Berkowitz by Joseph G. Peterson

Black and White Man by Rebeca Rosenblum 

Buttermilk by Nick McArthur

But Who Will Slap Marguerite? by Claudia Day 

Clean and Bright by Peter Anderson 

Climacteric by Naben Ruthnum  

Come As You Are by Bruce Labruce 

Descendent of Sappho, a Story with a Modicum of Truth by Sina Queryas

Feather Duster Down by Stan Apps

France the Ghost by Joe Meno 

Gluten by Max Smith

Hot Bitches by Trinie Dalton

How We Rise by Amanda Stern

In A Big Enough Country by Arjun Basu

In Christ there Is No East or West by Derek Weiler

Instamatic by Julie Wilson

Insult by Joseph Clayton Mills 

Istanbul by Holly Myers

It Gets A Bit Lonely by Lynn Crosbie 

Lemon Pie by Allison McMaster

Monkfish by Laura Boudreau

ooo4 by Jeff Waxman

Our Children Would Not Kill Us by Kathryn Kuitenbrouwer

Rabeya vs. Matt Damon by Michael Muhammad Knight

Skin by Kevin Wilson 

Staggered Maturities by Katherine Karlin

Summer Fun by Paul Latour

Tell Me. Why Does He Have To Have a Head? by Eva Moran

The Breast And Brian Franca by Lauren Bride 

The Development Stage by Shay Wilson 

The Dictator by Cedrick Mendoza Tolentino

The Ideomotor Effect by Catharine Chen 

The Itinerant Potraitist by Theodore McDermott

The Lodger by Alison Frost

The Low Ice by Jonathan Messinger

The Only Detail That Matters by Stacey may Fowles 

There Was No One There by Vanessa Place 

The Sound of Morning Glory by Karina Melendez 

This Night In October by Claire Gibson 

Todd and Belinda Rivers of 780 Strathcona by Jessica Westhead  

Tonga Tabu by Jeffrey Vallance 

Transistion by Tim Conley 

Triptych by Matt Law

Unburdened Things by Andrew Hood 

We Are Nearing Swartz Bay Terminal by Rachel Knudsen 

Work by Samuel Bennett 

After We Had Been Married for Seven Years by Elisabeth Harvor 

Alcazar’s House by Andrew Binks 

Alice and Alex by boy Litt 

Another Birthday by Eric Lindley 

Apocalypse, as Viewed From the Family Room by Mark Peterson 

Art Show by Rob Peters 

A World of Flirts by John Brandon 

Baby Teeth by Teri Vlassopoulos 

Bartleby 2000 by Jeffrey Freiert 

Beautiful Morning by Lee Kvern 

Cecilia by Susan Alexander 

Cheekbone by Larissa Diakiw 

Chris Eaton: A Biography by Chris Eaton 

Claudia by Veronica Gonzalez 

Come When You Call Me by Courtney Elizabeth Mauk

Conversation at Four A.M. by John Goldbach 

Coyotes by David Ross 

Crossing the Rubicon by Holly Flauto Salmon 

Cunnkitay by John Lavery

Cut by Peter Orner 

Daughter (from Daughter) by Janice Lee 

Disappearing Act by Emma Healey 

Emus On The Bayou by Joan Tick 

Evening Meal, Streambed, Bicycle by Gary Barwin 

Fair Exchange by Michael Marshall Smith 

From Klara by Natalee Caple 

Gallery of the Disappeared Men by Jonathan Pepernick 

Golfer’s Bog by Joseph G. Peterson

Hack by Rose McCann 

Happy Face by Brandon Graham 

Heimat, Mutter by Lydia Perovic 

Hexbreaker by Rob Benvie 

Homesick: an excerpt by Robert J. Stevens 

Jonathan Ghost by McKinley M. Hellenes 

Kachunga Legs by George Bowering 

Kittens by Erika Thorkelson 

Leisure by Evie Christie 

Lie With Me by Elizabeth Warren 

Lily Can’t See Men by Nicholas Bede Stenner 

Lungs by Gerard Olson 

Macho Grande In The Balcony by Rene Vazquez Diaz 

Margaritas with Roger by Holley Rubinsky  

Margene’s Two-Year Anniversary by Michelle Miller 

Marine Life by Okla Elliot 

Meeting the Iguana by Adam Sol

Miracle by Ruth Galm 

My Father’s Camera by Shannon Cason 

My Revolutionaryby Jennifer Karsinski

Orbiting by Kim Addonizio 

Our Assassin by Alex Coates 

Pangaea by Jim Hanas 

Park Rats by Lisa Locascio 

Passes by KC Wolfe 

Plan Ahead by Alice Kuipers 

Rat Dance by Elliot Krop 

Ricky’s Shoulders: an excerpt by Blake Butler 

Runaway: an excerpt by Christopher Russell 

Sissy by Zoe Whittle 

Some People Swallow the Universe Like a Pill by Danielle Egan 

Sourdough and Outer Lands by Meg Pokrass 

Summer of Hate by Chris Kraus 

Swimmers by Alex Leslie 

The Ambassador by Bragi Olafsson 

The Best and Most Intense by Sherwin Sullivan Tjia

The Cat Sitter by Olena Jennings 

The Cuckoo Is a Pretty Bird by David Lmskowski 

The Excursion by Georges Olivier Chateaureynaud

The House Where the Grifters Squat by Tamar Halpern 

The Law of Strings by Seven Gillis 

The Maid by Amina Cain 

The Man With the Divided Back by Jennifer McCartney 

The Mariposa by Maggie Shipstead 

The Nude by Michael Lapointe 

The Other Internet by Pasha Malla 

The Pump Twin by K.R. Sands 

The Sacrifice of Images by Noel Devaulx 

The Sky Turned Black by Dan Schwartz 

The Song of Sasquatch by Jerome Stueart 

The Soother by Elyse Friedman 

The Stockholm Syndrome by Cathy Stonehouse  

The Telling by Marianne Apostolides

The Value of Certain Things by Sativa January 

The Warhol Gang: an excerpt by Peter Darbyshire 

The Waterproof Bible: an excerpt by Andrew Kaufman 

They Call Me Judas by Christoph Mehrlein

Thirty-Seven Women by Carolyn Black 

This Is Only a Test by Michael Turner 

Three Short-Shorts by Marcel Béalu 

Toof or Else by Weston Cutter 

When You’re Gone by Rhonda Waterfall 

Wonder Bred by John Cotrona 

16 Years Gone by Neal Giannone  

98 Mothers by Andrew Kaufman 

A Better Life by Martin Brinkman 

A Happy Place by Arjun Basu 

August: an excerpt from Follow Me Down by Kio Stark 

Backbreak by Michelle Berry 

Bessarabian Stamps by Oleg Woolf 

Carla by Ben Loory 

Craft by Nicole Schultz

Damage by Jeremy Jasper 

Dummy by Eric Freeze 

Eaten by Anu Jindal 

Emote Control by Anne Swan 

Every Day in the Morning (slow) by Adam Seelig 

Folsom, Survivor by Kate Schatz 

For the Benefit of Others by Roxane Gay 

I Am Having A Funeral by Mark Piekos 

Interview Questions For Randy Savage by Nathaniel G. Moore 

Jenna On Twitterby Shawn Syms 

Not Even Stallone Can Fit Into His Old Shrinking Tank Top by Marty Sartini Garner 

Obliterating History by Jean Smith 

Paradox by Danila Botha 

Portrait #37, in Red by Christine Fadden 

Prenatal by Hal Niedzviecki 

Rat Girl Rat Boy by Cynthia Flood 

Shipping Manifesto: The Zeppelin Attack Dirigible Sessions by Sesshu Foster and Arturo Ernes

Sky Blue by Lisa Pike Forindi

Something More by Erica Lorraine Scheidt

Splinters by Deji Olukotun

St. Kevin of Cleveland by Patrick J. Salem 

Stop and Jack Bean by Amanda Ackerman 

That’s How Wrong My Love Is by Lynne Tilman 

The Blue Light Project: an excerpt by Timothy Taylor 

The Chamber of the Enigma by Jac Jemc 

The Green Honda by Don McLellan 

The King Is Dead by Nathan Sellyn 

The Last Dance by Sandra Filippelli

The Malibu by Zinzi Clemmons 

The Narcissist’s Dilemma by Robert James Russell 

The Sign of Jonah by Noel Devaulx

Thieves With Tiny Eyes: an excerpt by Anna Joy Springer 

Traces of Hugh by Greg Chandler 

Your Disappearing Theme by Kathleen Brown 

Babies by Ricco Siasoco

Collection Day by Kurt Gottschalk 

Remarkable Unknown Short Men of Canadian History by Ryan Abbott 

The Hills by Kate Durbin 

Something Special by Sarah Gilbert 

Thirty-three Drops by Jeff Parker 

Cry Baby by Kathryn Mockler 

Guidelines for Flying: 3 Destinations by Samantha Cohen 

Ballpark Figure by Rebecca Entel 

Waiting for Women by Rebecca Rosenblum 

Clothes Make a Man by Jessica Michalofsky 

Man Is Born to Trouble as the Sparks Fly Upward by Terese Svoboda 

The Little Shadows: an excerpt by Marina Endicott 

I’m Sorry and Thank You by Andrew Hood 

Incredible by Megan Stielstra

The Girl in the Case by Lisa Teasley 

Seven Names for Missing Cats by Martin Seay 

Dead Air by William Kelley Woolfitt 

Blindfolded Nude Male Swinging Stick at Donkey Piñata by Shari Kasman 

Episode of Everybody Loves Raymond by Dilyana Ilievska

An Old Songwriter’s Trick by Tobias Carroll 

Fording the Street by Colin Fleming 

A Tarantella by Zoe Ferraris  

The Failure Age: an excerpt by Amanda Montei 

Joyland is a literary journal that publishes stories by region, based on the idea that fiction is an international movement supported by local communities