Established 2008

Established 2008

The West


She has been watching Will play baseball in the park across the street, watching him bend his entire torso, the long, thin ankle of...

Runaway: an excerpt

An Incomplete Kingdom of Monsters Phylum: Monsters That Cannot Be Seen Class: Invisible Monsters Order: Fully and Constantly Invisible Fully and constantly invisible monsters are the...

My Revolutionary

I was once in love with a revolutionary who, for the life of him, could not tell a joke. He would omit important details...

The Maid

Clarisse, cleaning a room. Me, falling on the ice, taking some kind of mild drug, being separated by an invisible rope. I...

The Mariposa

Luis shared an apartment with his brother Hector and three other men, all of whom happened to be named Juan. Everywhere he turned there...


One begins with the materials at hand. One begins with the materials that are left behind. One begins—here. And here. And here. A suitcase...

There Was No One There

There was no one there when they first walked in. First thing in the morning, but it'd been hot already, thick hot, that heat...

Staggered Maturities

If you have ever had an obsession you know how it will expand like foam to fill the contours of your day. And...

Hot Bitches

Twinkles popped the trunk with her paw, and poochies piled out like spring-loaded snakes from a gag peanut can. The five bitches in heat...

Feather Duster Down

There was a fountain in the middle of the traffic-circle, and what seemed to be wealth was rushing out of the top of it...