Established 2008

Established 2008


The Dictator

There was once a dictator who cringed every time he saw someone of his profession fire a gun up into the air. It would...

The Sound of Morning Glory

"The Sound of Morning Glory" will be back soon after a technical error has been fixed!

It Gets A Bit Lonely

Seeking good times! You: Sexy lady. Age/race not important. RBT This was what Robert’s ad on Craig’s List said, not that I ever look at...

In A Big Enough Country

When the sun sets over the mountains the sky becomes a royal shade of purple. Then it all turns a kind of bubble...


Before opening the door, I listened for a moment. The carpet I stood on was thick and sound-absorbent, holding in footfalls as effectively...

Unburdened Things

I don’t think I want to be the kind of person anymore that brings tears to things unnecessarily. Like, “Belly’s missed us,” I’ll say...

Black and White Man

Once there was a man who was only black-and-white. His skin was the white of skim milk, with grey shadows where his veins beat....

The Ideomotor Effect

You lose your job and your favourite relative in the same month, that’s how it starts. Your publishing company shuts down the imprint where...

À la carte

I can’t say that I could convince myself that I have ever wanted anything so badly as that stuffed horse. I can’t really explain...

Descendent of Sappho, a Story with a Modicum of Truth.

She knew little of poetry, nothing of Sappho, other than a book she had found on a shelf in the used bookstore. Walking as...