Established 2008

Established 2008


After We Had Been Married for Seven Years

After we had been married for seven years we fell in love. Although not with each other. And not even with others. We fell...

Beautiful Morning

Atticus’ future girl was the one in the white sailor hat, the tight, dark clothing, melancholy look about her tenuous jaw, the fragile pink...

Conversation at Four A.M.

He kisses her neck, while she sleeps, with little pressure. Staring at her, he thinks of the warmth and desire her face inspires...

Alcazar’s House

An extract from a novel-in-progress As Alcazar sat stock-still on the gritty staircase, he thought of all the circumstances that had made him a minor...


Cecilia is standing at the corner of St. George and Willcocks Streets, trying to forget. She does this once a year, just before she climbs...

Disappearing Act

The first weird thing is that Caroline is slowly becoming invisible. No kidding. This is pretty new and she’s still kind of having trouble...

Plan Ahead

Getting knocked up wasn’t part of the plan. I told Hamish, the black guy with the baby bird eyes, that I was going to...

They Call Me Judas

A man in white walked out of the sun. Bad quality print. Heavy grain and scratches peppered the image. A folk song was playing....

Alice and Alex

She remembers them, Alice and Alex, not as they were, nor as they would have liked to be, nor even as they would have...


Around the time the kittens started going missing, I noticed a surplus of abandoned clothing in the streets. But maybe I’m mashing the two...