Est. 2008

Est. 2008


The Confluence of Birds, Language, and Mammals

  The Confluence of Birds, Language, and Mammals 1 Hummingbirds are my favorite. I love their iridescent plumage, but I think I’d be a mockingbird were I...

A Privileged Psychosis

The white woman on my laptop screen speaks in soothing, low tones, her voice plodding and patient as a doting elementary school teacher. She...


The therapist asks, Is there anything else we should know about? No (except I’ve been gaining and losing weight for years, probably since I was...

Notes on a Christmas Bombing

When I wake to a huge explosion on Christmas, 2020, I want to believe it’s thunder, but outside the window there’s not a cloud,...

The Buddy System

That summer, the one before our eighth grade year, the year of the world’s first artificial heart transplant—latex gloves, silver scissors, a man’s open...

Mother Root

Three weeks into my trip to Taiwan, I went hiking with a Taiwanese man in his seventies who called himself David.  The sun was...