Established 2008

Established 2008

Short Story

The Itinerant Potraitist

In Indiana, the itinerant portraitist wears a sweater and smokes a cigarillo. Richard Hawkmeat is his name. From fourteen up until the age of...

In A Big Enough Country

When the sun sets over the mountains the sky becomes a royal shade of purple. Then it all turns a kind of bubble...

Descendent of Sappho, a Story with a Modicum of Truth.

She knew little of poetry, nothing of Sappho, other than a book she had found on a shelf in the used bookstore. Walking as...

We Are Nearing Swartz Bay Terminal

The seagull hovered for a moment, then landed on the hood of David’s car. “Look at that thing,” David said. “It’s going to shit...


I stop eating gluten. I read labels on packages at the supermarket. Standing for too long in narrow aisles, my eyes squinting at lists...

The Ideomotor Effect

You lose your job and your favourite relative in the same month, that’s how it starts. Your publishing company shuts down the imprint where...


One begins with the materials at hand. One begins with the materials that are left behind. One begins—here. And here. And here. A suitcase...


Before opening the door, I listened for a moment. The carpet I stood on was thick and sound-absorbent, holding in footfalls as effectively...

Summer Fun

     Go ahead, try it, he said, passing me the shotgun. The long barrel felt cold in my hand.      I don’t know about this, I said,...

Staggered Maturities

If you have ever had an obsession you know how it will expand like foam to fill the contours of your day. And...