Est. 2008

Est. 2008

Short Story

They Call Me Judas

A man in white walked out of the sun. Bad quality print. Heavy grain and scratches peppered the image. A folk song was playing....

Jonathan Ghost

The man who isn’t really a man wakes up in the hospital bed. The light is so bright that at first he cannot see. The...

The Maid

Clarisse, cleaning a room. Me, falling on the ice, taking some kind of mild drug, being separated by an invisible rope. I feel like...

Bartleby 2000

I caught a glimpse of him as he was leaving the office, though I’d been trying to avoid him. The building security man, in...

The Soother

Irma unfastened the plastic clip on her nursing bra and brought a hard brown nipple to Lucas’s mouth. He latched on and sucked greedily....

Summer of Hate

excerpted from the forthcoming novel Summer of Hate PART ONE: 2005 1/CATT: HER KILLER There are some people who like feeling like they’ve arrived at the...

Kachunga Legs

I couldn’t set pins with my arm in a cast, and I was surprised by how much I missed it, at least for the...

Margaritas with Roger

The time after a party when she and Roger lay together on the rug in his living room, under the...

The Itinerant Potraitist

In Indiana, the itinerant portraitist wears a sweater and smokes a cigarillo. Richard Hawkmeat is his name. From fourteen up until the age of...

In A Big Enough Country

When the sun sets over the mountains the sky becomes a royal shade of purple. Then it all turns a kind of bubble...