William Kelley Woolfitt studies American literature at Pennsylvania State University, where he is in the third year of the PhD program. He has worked as a summer camp counselor, bookseller, ballpark peanuts vendor, and teacher of computer literacy to senior citizens. His poems and short stories have appeared in Cincinnati Review, Portland Review,Shenandoah, Sycamore Review, Southern Humanities Review, and Hayden’s Ferry Review. Poems from his completed book-length sequence, Words for Flesh: a Spiritual Autobiography of Charles de Foucauld, have been published or are forthcoming in Salamander, Rhino, Pilgrimage, Nimrod, The Christian Century, and Qarrtsiluni. He goes walking on the Appalachian Trail or at his grandparents' farm on Pea Ridge (near Nestorville, West Virginia) whenever he can.